Changes to GasBuddy Local Gas Price Sites (2025)

GasBuddy Community,

We want to inform you about some recent changes to our platform. As part of our ongoing efforts to improve GasBuddy services and streamline operations, we have made the decision to end the GasBuddy local gas price sites, which you may know as,, or another similar site that provides local gas price trends in your city or state.


While the local gas price sites have been a legacy part of the GasBuddy community, we’ve made the decision to sunset them to focus our resources on enhancing the app experience and other core platform features that benefit our users.

  • Improved user experience: Consolidating our services into a single site will provide users with a more consistent experience across all regions. This allows us to focus our resources on delivering new features and improvements that benefit our entire user base, ensuring everyone has access to the most up-to-date tools for finding the best gas prices and more.
  • Enhanced mobile functionality: The GasBuddy app is the preferred method for most users to access real-time gas prices and savings on the go. By streamlining our web presence, our development team can dedicate more time and resources to enhancing our mobile app.


We’ve made sure you still have easy access to gas price information.

  • Use the GasBuddy mobile app. For the best experience, we recommend downloading GasBuddy’s mobile app. In the app, you can easily find the cheapest gas prices near you—whether at home or on the road—and gain access to exclusive discounts and deals. Download the app here >>>
  • Continue navigating to the same URL you have been (i.e. The local gas price site pages will automatically redirect you to the main GasBuddy site, where you’ll still be able to report prices and find up-to-date gas prices in your city. Gas price trends, charts and maps are also available at

We also acknowledge that this change will affect your ability to earn points through web actions like voting in the weekly poll or reading news. Rest assured, you can still earn points by reporting prices and completing challenges in the GasBuddy app, and soon, more exciting opportunities will be available for GasBuddies to earn points. Stay tuned!


You can also still access your favorite features like the Fuel Logbook, GasBuddy Blog and Points Leaderboards on the GasBuddy site.


On the new site, navigate to the top menu bar, and select Gas Tools > Fuel Logbook. You’ll then be prompted to sign in to your GasBuddy account if you haven’t already. Once logged in, your Fuel Logbook will be visible. You can also navigate directly to

Changes to GasBuddy Local Gas Price Sites (1)


On the new site, navigate to the top menu bar, and select Gas Tools > Leaderboards. Log in to see your rank, and sort points leaders by all-time, 30-day, or the first half of the year. Remember, you can report prices and complete challenges in the GasBuddy app to earn points!

Changes to GasBuddy Local Gas Price Sites (2)


On the new site, navigate to the top menu bar, and select Gas Tools > Fuel Insights. Here, you can view the national average, state averages, and recent gas price trends. Select a state from the map to view prices by county. You can also navigate directly to

For gas price charts, navigate to the top menu bar of the Fuel Insights page, and select Price Tools > Charts. Here, you can input your city, state or region and view a chart of gas prices over time.

Changes to GasBuddy Local Gas Price Sites (3)


On the new site, navigate to the top menu bar, and select Blog & Podcast > Blog. Here, you’ll be able to read the latest GasBuddy blogs and news updates. Users can no longer earn points from reading articles; however, the GasBuddy blog is a great place to stay up to date on the latest gas price trends.

Changes to GasBuddy Local Gas Price Sites (4)

Thank you for your understanding and continued support as we work to provide the best possible service for our users. If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact our support team >>>

Thank you for being a valued member of the GasBuddy community.


The GasBuddy Team

Changes to GasBuddy Local Gas Price Sites (2025)


Is there an app to find the cheapest gas prices near me? ›

GasBuddy uses gas price information provided by our users to bring drivers together to support the common goal of saving money on gas. Gas prices only for USA & Canada.

Why do gas prices keep changing? ›

Gasoline price changes in California are primarily driven by the cost of global crude oil and significant unplanned refinery outages.

What determines local gas prices? ›

Petroleum prices are determined by market forces of supply and demand, not individual companies, and the price of crude oil is the primary determinant of the price we pay at the pump.

What are NJ gas prices today? ›

Current Avg.$3.326$4.241
Yesterday Avg.$3.329$4.219
Week Ago Avg.$3.369$4.258
Month Ago Avg.$3.475$4.339
1 more row

What app has the most accurate gas prices? ›

According to AAA, the national average of gas prices is $3.44 at the time of publishing. Two years ago, the national average was $5.01. GasBuddy is arguably the most well-known gas app, and it's been around since 2000. To use the app, you type in your ZIP code and gas prices pop up for various gas stations in thearea.

What day is gas cheapest? ›

Buy Gas on Monday or Tuesday

“For gas, Mondays and Tuesdays tend to be the cheapest days to fill up your tank as demand is lower at the beginning of the week,” Anderson said.

Why does my gas amount keep changing? ›

A fuel gauge displays that fluctuates between empty and full may be due to a mechanical failure. The fuel sending unit float arm may 'stick' at certain levels, and fall back into place either naturally or with help from vehicle movement. Once the float arm falls back into place, the fuel gauge becomes accurate again.

Why is gas going up in July 2024? ›

California continues to lead the nation with the highest gas tax in 2024, which climbs to 69.8 cents per gallon as of July 1. This increase pushes the Golden State's average price for a gallon of regular gasoline to about $4.79. In other tax news, California also has a new gun and ammo tax effective July 1.

Why is gas more expensive in California than Texas? ›

California's gasoline has traditionally been more expensive than the rest of the country because of the state's special blend requirements, which are more costly to produce. California also imposes high taxes and fees associated with initiatives to reduce carbon emissions.

How much does it cost to produce a gallon of gasoline? ›

Cost to refine gasoline varies between $. 40 and $. 70 per gallon, depending on whether summer or winter formulas are being used. In the example above, the cost to refine gasoline is $.

Does the government control gas prices? ›

But there's no single person who controls gas prices. Instead, gas prices are controlled by the market forces of supply and demand.

Why do all gas stations have the same price? ›

The prices are set by the gas station operators, who may have different goals. They also have binoculars so they can read their competitors signs. They can set their prices higher, lower, or the same. Usually they set them the same so all the stations will be the same price.

What state has the cheapest gas? ›

Mississippi has the lowest price of gas, with an average of $2.96 per gallon of regular gas. Table with 4 columns and 5 rows.

Why is NJ gas cheaper than NY? ›

Gas in New Jersey

Schieldrop said New Jersey tends to have cheaper gas prices than our neighboring states because the state is a major shipping hub for gas and oil. States like Connecticut and New York have higher gas taxes, so the price sees a heavier increase in those areas.

What state has the highest gas tax? ›

Topping the list is Pennsylvania, where drivers pay an eye-popping $0.576 per gallon in gas taxes. But this hefty tax isn't just lining pockets -- it's being put to work. The funds are crucial for maintaining and improving Pennsylvania's extensive network of roads and bridges.

What's the cheapest gas provider? ›

Unit Cost per kWh in the UK
Supplier NameTariff NameUnit Rate (p/kWh)
EONFix Online v467.319
ScottishPowerSuper Saver April 2023 Online16.570
Octopus EnergyFlexible Octopus35
May 29, 2023

How does upside work? ›

Upside is a free gas rewards app that pays you cash back when refueling. The app works with thousands of stations across the United States. You claim gas offers, refuel, and take a photo of your receipt to earn. Members can also earn cash back on groceries, snacks, and dining purchases.

What is gas for free app? ›

Gas is the latest social media app to catch fire with high school students. Earlier this school year, it was the top free social media platform in Apple's app store. Its founders include Nikita Bier, who launched a similar app called “tbh” back in 2017.

Does Google Maps show gas prices? ›

Consumers can now find which Gas station is the cheapest from Google Maps, with the prices being displayed for each station. Gas prices available on public government websites will be displayed on the Google My Business listing of each gas station. Consumers can now compare the prices between each gas station.

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Author: Maia Crooks Jr

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Author information

Name: Maia Crooks Jr

Birthday: 1997-09-21

Address: 93119 Joseph Street, Peggyfurt, NC 11582

Phone: +2983088926881

Job: Principal Design Liaison

Hobby: Web surfing, Skiing, role-playing games, Sketching, Polo, Sewing, Genealogy

Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.