1. Sentinels of Privilege and the Ressentiment of the Powerful
In this essay, we use ideas from children on both sides of the class wall in Brazil to examine two principal motivations for the new authoritarianism.
Through the experience of working with kids from Brazil’s favelas (shanty-towns) telling their stories, two film-makers explore how the rise of the authoritarian right in Brazil is based on a deep fear by elites of social mobility and a desire to preserve their traditional privileges through both physical as well as political walls.
2. [PDF] Koninklijk Kabinet van Schilderijen Mauritshuis Royal Picture Gallery ...
24 mrt 2016 · De Raad van Toezicht kijkt terug op een succesvol jaar voor het Mauritshuis, waarin een veelheid aan activiteiten werd ontplooid.
3. [PDF] Strategies of Remembering in Greece under Rome
David Weidgenannt works under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Fleur Kemmers at the. Goethe University Frankfurt in the project 'KOINON: Common currencies and ...
4. [PDF] How Much Is the Amazon Worth? - World Bank Documents and Reports
The Policy Research Working Paper Series disseminates the findings of work in progress to encourage the exchange of ideas about development issues.
5. [PDF] Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil - STF
No benefit which replaces the contribution salary or labor earnings of the beneficiaries shall have a monthly amount lower than the minimum monthly wage ...
6. Top Lawyers in Latin America | Chambers and Partners Rankings
We provide information on leading lawyers including rankings, articles and a Chambers review. Each lawyer on this page has been ranked in the most recent ...
Find out about top lawyers in Latin America, including information about their rankings, articles and a Chambers review. Visit Chambers and Partners to discover more.
7. [PDF] 1. FY22 BEFBD Roll for PA.xlsx
25-26-28-2667-0001-2560 MUNIZ FERNANDO. 1. 327.43. $327.43 ISLES OF BELLALAGO ... 29-26-29-2645-0001-0080 POUERIE DIOGENES A. 1. 327.43. $327.43 BELLALAGO ...
8. Long-term effects of continuing adjuvant tamoxifen to 10 years ...
The main effects on recurrence and, particularly, on breast cancer mortality became apparent only during the second decade after diagnosis.
For women with oestrogen receptor (ER)-positive early breast cancer, treatment with tamoxifen for 5 years substantially reduces the breast cancer mortality rate throughout the first 15 years after diagnosis. We aimed to assess the further effects of ...
9. [PDF] Abstracts of the Academic Medical Congress of Piaui, COMAPI, 2018
... worth noting the need to change the pattern of drug use, with a special ... (NET). The objective of this study is to report a case of SJS / NET ...
10. [PDF] Fourth National Communication of Brazil to the UNFCCC
... Muniz Alves. Luciano Jorge Serejo dos Anjos. Ludmila da Silva Viana Jacobson ... worth mentioning a significant increase in the percentage of households ...
11. [PDF] REPORT 2011 - Annual Reports
of £1,246 million before net debt of £365 million. The movements in ... Muñoz Nelson Quiroga Nelson Rex Nelson Jose Neri Tom Neshem Diogenes Neto Renata Neves Tim.
12. The revision of the Constitution shall be effected after ... - Senado Federal
Paragraph 1. For the purposes of this article, net current revenue means the total sum of tax, industry, and agriculture revenues, property income, revenues ...
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