THE FORT WAYNE DAILY NEWS LOVE ME, LOVE MY DOG! PROMINENT FORT WAYNE WOMEN DIRECTORS OF KENNEL Fort Wayne's newly organized women of the city been chosen photographs are as follows: Upper iel; upper middle, Emrick hand corner, Mrs, Harry A. Hattersley corner, Miss Virginia S. Olds and her his home this morning because of illness. Machinist W. H.
Gibson, of the Pennsy erecting shops, was sick and unable to report for work this morning. T. J. Burgess, engineer for the Pennsylvania on the Valparaiso work train, sick and unable to attend to his duties. Richards, moulder for the WestGas Construction company, was and unable to report for duty yesterday.
Fireman B. R. Garver, of the Nickel Plate, is confined to his home on account of a very severe attack of rheumatism. Clem J. Clusserath, hammer operator the Pennsy blacksmith shops, was absent from work today because of sickness Fireman D.
Johnson, of the Nickel Plate, is taking a few days' vacation to visit relatives at his home at Garrett, Ind. Grover Miller, Nickel Plate engineer, obtained a ten days' leave of absence to visit a sanitarium to better health Boilermaker's Helper S. O. Bryan, of Pennsy shops, this morning resignhis position to accept employment elsewhere. P.
W. Kenline, Pennsy boilermaker's helper, resigned his position yesterday will go to Jackson, to accept similar work Machinist's Helper J. M. Sullivan, of How to Conquer Rheumatism At Your Own Home I you or any of your friends suffer from rheu matistn, kidney disorders or excess of urac acid, causing lameness, swollen backache, muscular pains; stiff, painful, joints, pain in the limbs and feet, dunness of sight, itching skin frequent neuralgic pains, invite you to send 101 A generous Free Trial Treatment of my wellknown, reluble Chromeure, with references and full particulars by mail. (This is no C.
0. D. scheme.) No matter how many may have farled in your case, let me prose to you, free of cost, that rheumatism can be conquered. Chronicure succeeds where all cIsc fails. Chronicure cleanses the blood and removes the causes.
Also for a weakened, run down condition of the system, you will And Chronicure a most satisfactory general tonic that makes 3 ou feel that site ig worth hiving. Please tell your friends of this liberal offer, and send todav for large frec package. to MRS M. SUMMERS. 131 Washingtor Avenue, South Bend, Indiana.
I HIS MN INDUSTRIAL NEWS GIVE ROADS MONTH FOR 4 REPLY TO THEIR DEMANDS SWITCHMEN GIVE ULTIMATUM TO NEW YORK CENTRAL AND NICKEL PLATE. EXPECT NO TROUBLE Local Officials Confident That All Dif. ferences Will Be Settled Peaceably. The Switchmen's Union of North America last night presented to General Manager A. W.
Johnston, of the Nickel Plate, and D. C. Moon, of the New York Central, at Cleveland, a communication stating that stuke would be Called of all the union's members unless the loads opened negotiations before the end of thirty days. The men demand an -hour day with ten hours' pay and time and one- half for overtime. The Switchmen's union is not allied with the four gicat brotherhoods in their campaign, but it IS probable that they will co-operate as more may be obtained in that manner.
The Switchmen's union not recognized by the A. F. of and many switchmen belong to the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen. Officials of the Switchmen's however, claim that it has a majonty on the Nickel Plate and New York Central lines, west of Buffalo, whale the B. of R.
T. has more on the lines east. There ate three members of the Switchmen's union in Fort Wayne, the belonging to the B. of R. remand none of these men had heard of demands sent to Mr.
Johnston. Nickel Plate employs then about twenty switchinen here. A local official of the stated this morning that the Nickel Plate expects to stile all differences with the employes without any trouble, and that no strike was expected. PLANNING 'BUS LINE. Will Giving Transfers Within Begin, Completed.
Meetings were held yesterday of the YELLOWSTONE TOURS Under direct supervision of the Department of Tours of the Chicago, Union Pacific North Western Line aie now nounced for 1916 Season--June, July, August. UNDER ESCORT INCLUSIVE RATES Complete tour of Yellowstone, including all points of interest. Ogden Canyon, Salt Lake City, Colorado Springs and Denver. Tours are fourteen days' duration, leaving Chicago every Satu day from June 24 to Aug. 26.
1616 Summer Tour Book Now Ready Summer Tours Book with detailed information of the Yellowstone Park Tours and other tours is now ready for distribution and may be had on request S. A. HUTCHISON Manager, Department of Tours 146 S. Clark Chicago, Ill. T4106 COMMERCIAL BODIES for FORD CHASSIS BUY YOUR BODIES DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTURER We build and aim to keep on hand at all times the following: Jitney Bus, Undertaker all purpose, Ambulance, Cleaners, Grocers, Bakers, Laundry, Open Delivery, Package Delivery, Mail Delivery also Automobile Trailers.
Drive your Chassis in and go home with complete business car same day. No charge for installing--big savings in freight charges. If interested write for catalogue and prices. HARPER BUGGY COMPANY COLUMBIA CITY, INDIANA PARALYSIS Conquered At Last By DR. CHASE'S Blood and Nerve Tablets Write for Proof and Booklet (Dr.
Chase, 224 N. 10th St. Philadelphia, has attracted not only the men owners of valuable the directorate. The above IS a group these women Miss Catherine Barnes and her pet bulldog. setter, below, Mrs.
Mary Ellen Millard dog, Mutt; immediately below, Miss Nellie Wilt bull terrier. erecting shops, resigned his the Nickel Plate railroad, and will leave shortly been off duty for a few live. ported for duty. Operator A. L.
Deininger, J. 'I. Mann, district left this morning Bowser Oil Tank company where he will spend Sat- IN. has returned to that Sunday. spending a week in Fort machinist in the company business.
department, was called Conductors J. H. Kepler, account of the serious and D. C. Potts, and mother.
Groves, R. W. Henschel and wife of Helper Greek, of the Nickel Plate, are blacksmith shops, will able to report for duty. for a short visit with F. A.
Corneille. tank Forest, 0. Pennsylvania, will be unable assistant stationmaster for work for a few days on Pennsylvania, in charge of the an injured eye, sustained is confined to his home struck by a chip of steel. sickness. W.
B. Pierce, conductor of the Harmount Tie Nickel company, Chillicothe, business for the Order visitor at the local Conductors. Mr. Pierce is J. C.
the Penn- of the Nickel Plate. offices teeman from the Fort blacksmith shops, was absent C. L. Horner, machinist's today on account of the the Pennsy air brake of his wife. be absent from work Joseph Markey, of the on account of an injured 18 apending the week- tained while on duty Lake to open his cot- W.
W. Grindle, traveling occupancy. inspector, and J. E. McGlone, Maurice Deatrick and spector, of tho Wabash the Nickel Plate, have headquarters at Decatur, days' leave of absence Fort Wayne yesterday on personal business.
business. helper in the Pennsy T. R. Hunt, engineer for has resigned, his position sylvania, who has been employment the Stude- mote than ten months, company at Detroit duties yesterday. He suffered Reuben E.
Schrader, of dent to his leg which Plate, resumed his duties 'sence from duty since May being off duty for a few MIs. 0. P. Snook, whose of the death of a rel- left a few days AgO for where he will inspect machinist's helper In the the Pennsylvania for shops, has resigned his has gone to Cleveland to similar emplos ment at atives until his return to the Dudlo Manufacturing Y. Cherry, who was Perry, wife Brick machinist in the Pennsy of MaConnell, both of the Pennsy shops, has ('rawford, general Denver, account where spent motive, power at Pittsbuigh, on of the illness Was ne yesterday business.
machine operator in the will be off duty for sevEngineer B. A. Harris lingard, of the Nickel account of an injured been transferred from a while he was at work out of Continental, to take a through freight run conductor, and I. Wayne division The J. Connors, brakeman for account of the heavy PETEY DINK--It Looks Like Petey Booted the Ball a Bit Himself By C.
Barnett and her spanblooded Prince Charles, upper rightTrouble, and lower right-hand Freight Engineer A. E. Evans, Yard Engineer George Conklin and Fireman Roy Ieeter, of the Nickel Plate, are unable to work on account of sickness. J. W.
Sanborn, yard engineer for the Nickel Plate, has obtained a few davs' leave of absence to attend to personal business H. Ehrhart, chief clerk in the Pennsylvania lumber agent's office, left this morning for Orville. where he will attend to company business today and spend the week-end with his brother, Elwood Ehrhart, tie inspector i for the Pennsylvania at that place. Fred Adams, machinist for the Western Gas Construction company, who sustained a bad cut in the face two' weeks ago when he was struck by a piece of sheet iron 100fing, will resume his duties Monday. His face was laid open from the nose to the temple by the iron.
FOR -Phone 510. Alco*ck PLASTERS The World's Greatest External Remedy. Coughs and Colds (on chest another botween shoulder blados) Weak Chests, -Any Local Pain. Insist on Having ALLco*ck'S. SMOKE THE BEST BROAD LEAF 5 LITTLE HAVANAL LA RIENTA LADY WAYNE 110 cU THINK THIS OVER owners of the auto 'buses of Fort Wayne and the Citizens' Transportation company, plans were completed for the jitney system to be opened here within next week.
The new organization, which is backed by the labor organizations of the city, will run the cars on schedule and give transfers to any part of the city. Thuty-four owners have promised to operate their machines over routes selected at the meetings yesterday for a certain number of hours each day, and the schedule and transfer system will be completed next week. The Union Exchange, composed of owners of the auto 'buses, was organized yesterday, and committees from o) ganization, Citizens' Transportation company, thia two! labor organizations, will meet next. week to complete the work of organization. The officers of the Union Exchange are A F.
Bowman, president, W. H. Langstaff, and E. B. Snell, secretary-treasurer.
M'PARTLAND IS PROMOTED. Local Wabash Freight Agent Will Be Transferred to Toledo. J. T. atland, freight agent tor the Wabash railroad here for the past; three years, has been promoted to similar position nt Toledo, according 10 an announcement received here Mr.
McPartland will be succeeded here by E. R. Terry, of the Detroit offices, the changes being effective on April 1. Me Patland started with the W'abash railroad as messenger in the freight ofhees at Toledo three years ago. was promoted through various clerkships to the position of freight agent at Peru, a little more than four ago, and came here after serving that city for nine months.
He made many friends nEsS in this city, who will glad to hear of lus promotion. He will succeed W. L. Childers, freight agent at Toledo, who is transferred to Detroit. SERVICES FOR RAILROADERS.
As a climax to the campaien, waged during the past weck Women's Christian Temperance union, special! services will be held in a number of churches tomorrow for the railroaders of the city. Rev. E. Q. Laudeman, of the First Evangelical church, and Rev.
T. Hill, of the Trinity M. E. church, will deliver special sermons for the shop and 10ad men, street car employes, firemen and others. Rev.
A. J. Folsom, at the First Congregational church, will speak to the city mail carricis and policemen in the evening. The W. C.
T. U. will hold services at the shops next week under the auspices of the Railroad Young Men's Christian association. STARTS PLANT TODAY. The aniline plant at the Western Gas Construction company, which has been out of service for two weeks because of an explosion, has been rebuilt and was put in operation today.
The new structure is built of brick and sheet iron, and is considered absolutely fire and explosion proof. The machinery is also repaired. Business at the local plant is heavier than ever before in the history of the company. PENNSY SHOP OUTPUT. During the week ending today twelve engines were repaired and turned out by the Pennsylvania shops, and of an old type was cut up to be sold as scrap iron.
The engines repaired were Nos. 9401, 7352, 7302, 7354, 7191, 9966, 9083, 7189, 7266, 9410, 7222 and 7360. No. 7330, the engine scrapped, was one of the -powered ones in use on this division for passenger "service some years ago. LEAVES ELECTRIC WORKS.
Richard J. Lynch, who has been in employed as an iron worker the Fort Wayne Electric works for the past few months, has resigned his position and will return next month to his home at Fort Hamilton, N. where he will finish an engineering course. has TOE IS CRUSHED. his H.
Roebuck, blacksmith's helper in the night gang at the Pennsy shops, is the unable to work on account of a badly ed crushed toe, sustained while he was on duty last night. A heavy iron equalizer fell on his right foot, badly crushDrying one of the toes. SHOP AND RAIL NOTES. Fireman F. Murray, of the Plate, is laying off for a few days.
Nickel C. H. Knothe, machinist in the Pennsylvania shops, was absent from work today. Williams, engineer for the Nickel Plate, is taking days' vacation from his run. Boilermaker J.
C. Camperman, of the Pennsylvania, was sick and unable to report for duty this morning. Blacksmith John Rupp, of the Pennsylvania shops, was sick and unable to report for duty this morning. W. V.
Pettit and C. H. Westerman, 1fuewelder's helpers for the PennsylTania, did not report for work today. Hamilton, machinist for the Pennsylvania, will spend Saturday and Sunday with relatives at Grand Rapids. Brick Mason W.
Linnemeier, of the Pennsy blacksmith shops, was confined Sick headache, gas, indigestion, fermentation, foul breath, comes from food lymg in your stomach long, and why does it lie there too long? Naturally, constipation, and why does al person get constipation? The only reason is lazy liver. The liver does not throw off enough secretion in the stomach, your food hes there and ferments, causing gas, foul breath and so-called -burn. And where does the secretron go? It goes up through the tubes into your head and then finally drops down in the throat and you spit it out, and then it is called catarrh. To get rid of all these troubles, there is only solution--get after your liver with Oilax Tablets; make the liver act through the bowels in the natural way. OIL.LX TABLETS, the great stomach, liver and bowel tablet.
Orlax Tablets act like oil. At all drug stores, 25c. a 2 3 CANCER OF THE LIVER Cancer of the liver can not be cured, but it can be warded off if the proper precaution is used. Cancer is one of the natural results of a neglected liver. A neglected liver causes chronic stipation, jaundice, gall-stone and very often caucer.
The inactivity of the liver causes the sallow or muddy like complexion. Liver splotches which are so annoying and embarrassing are caused by the bilious matter which has accumulated within the system. GLANDO will clear up the complexion because it removes the cause, throws off the poisonous accumulations and restores the natural activities of the glands. Liver trouble is easily controlled if taken in its early stages. A reliable remedy for liver disorders is a treatment known as GLANDO.
GLANDO is a gland tonic, which acts upon the whole glandular system of which the liver is the largest and most important gland. GLANDO is put up in three separate treatments. All three treatments for 50 cents. For sale by all druggists. 111 Kennel club to serve on left-hand corner, and her English and her setter tiny Boston the Pennsy position today for Florida to Machine of the Pennsylvania, for Chicago, urday and Frank Hebert, Pennsy vise home today on illness of his Mrs.
A. Greek, of the Pennsy leave next week relatives at C. E. Bolens, for the building nights, on account of T. Harmount, Lumber was a business Pennsylvania Stockheeper sylvania from work serious illness Machinist Pennsylvania, 'end at Crooked tage for summer Conductors Houder, of obtained a few to attend to F.
Taylor, boiler shops. to accept baker Automobile Brakemen the Nickel yesterday after days on account ative. F. Charles, Pennsy erecting place to accept the plant of company. B.
0. son Perry, of returned from several weeks of relative. C. J. Herr, Pennsy shops, eral days on finger, sustained this morning.
F. C. Crawford, I Stone and T. dogs, but also directors immediately below. and her and her bulldog who have days, have re- manager for the at Albany, city after Wayne on J.
E. Long Brakemen G. E. J. J.
Welch, sick and un- repairer for the to report account of when he was for the Cleveland on of Railroad a commitWayne division helper in department, will days chin, susyesterday. locomotive railroad, with were in company the Pennoff duty for resumed his an accicaused his ab9, 1915. husband Dunkirk, N. locomotives for several months. visit with relthis city.
formerly a shops, and J. office of D. F. superintendent of were 111 on company and Fireman Plate, have -haul run this city to on the Fort change is made business. Why Pay Others For Failures -MORE MONEY THAN I ask for a cure? I ask every man who is suffering from some Private, Nervous or Chronic Disease the pertinent question above.
I know this is so because men come to my office daily with the same story of treatments by other doctors without benefit, of astonishing advance paid without results and of "extras" for medicines paid elsewhere, all to no purpose WHATEVER IS YOUR TROUBLE I can offer you the satisfaction of knowing at once, just as soon as you come to SEE ME, that your case is in competent hands and that you will be made well and strong again and brought back to your former vigorous physical condition in the least time necessary and at the smallest expense consistent with your disease. A You Advice can honest profit and by a candid; prompt exam- xisit. ination free and confidential; prices moderate, including medicines. Dr. Blackstone 136 WEST WAYNE STREET ASK FOR CREAMO BREAD ROGERS RESIGHT SPECIALS OFFLO FT WAYNE OFFICE LEMA "LA.
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