PulsePoint Active Calls – Ventura County Fire Department (2024)

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PulsePoint Active Calls – Ventura County Fire Department (2024)


What is a public service call on pulse point? ›

The incident type Public Service is typically used for lower priority routine calls. Use of this catch-all category varies between agencies but is commonly used for incidents such as a leaking hydrant, a low-hanging sign, or assistance with an appliance (e.g., pilot light, won't turn off, making a funny sound).

How many firefighters are in Ventura County? ›

Who We Are. Composed of approximately 658 dedicated men and women, the Ventura County Fire Protection District (commonly known as the Ventura County Fire Department) is an all-hazard, full-service special district operating under the Fire Protection District Law of 1987.

Why are Ventura County fire trucks yellow? ›

We paint our apparatus “Sunshine Yellow” for safety. Yellow is a much more visible color, especially under low light conditions, than the traditional red. Yellow is also an easier color to maintain and stays looking new longer.

Why am I getting public service calls? ›

If you get a call or message like this, hang up or ignore it. It's a scammer. Government agencies will never call, email, text, or message you on social media to ask for money or personal information. Only a scammer will do that.

Can you listen to old calls on PulsePoint? ›

How can I access older incidents that no longer appear in the app? PulsePoint only displays incidents for 24 hours after assigned resources are cleared (up to a maximum of 100 incidents). After this period you'll need to contact the responding agency directly.

What is the busiest fire station in California? ›

Fire Station 9, situated in the heart of downtown Los Angeles, is widely recognized as one of the busiest fire stations in the country. The crew is always prepared to swiftly respond to any emergency call. 🧑‍🚒🔥🚒

What is the largest fire department in California? ›

CAL FIRE is the largest all-risk fire department in California, the largest IAFF local in the United States and Canada, and are among the best-trained firefighters in the world. That's why it's crucial the firefighters who put their lives on the line to protect our state are supported.

Why would I get a call from PSAP? ›

PSAPs play a critical role in ensuring public safety by serving as the first point of contact during emergencies. They handle a wide range of emergency situations, including crimes in progress, medical emergencies, fires, and natural disasters.

How do I block public service calls? ›

You can register your numbers on the National Do Not Call Registry at no cost by calling 1-888-382-1222 (voice) or 1-866-290-4236 (TTY). You must call from the phone number you wish to register. You can also register at add your personal wireless phone number to the national Do-Not-Call list donotcall.gov.

What is a pulse dialing phone? ›

Pulse dialing is a signaling technology in telecommunications in which a direct current local loop circuit is interrupted according to a defined coding system for each signal transmitted, usually a digit. This lends the method the often used name loop disconnect dialing.

What is the meaning of pulsed calls? ›

pulse dialing in American English

noun. a system of calling telephone numbers wherein electrical pulses corresponding to the digits in the number called are generated by manipulating push buttons or a rotary dial (contrasted with tone dialing)

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Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.